Our Clients Rave
You’ve helped position me far and above every other HVAC contractor here in Lakeview!”
The one big change I really noticed is that I don’t get “priced” any more – they just hire me without getting other contractors proposals. So now the process is a lot easier and faster. Plus – I’m DEFINITELY closing a higher percentage of customers!! You rock!”
“Every single thing you promised has happened. Derek and I have a super professional book that we’re both proud of, and we’re closing a lot more jobs!
You’re a treasure!”
You should see people’s faces when I hand them my book!! And as you already know, I’m closing more deals with a lot less effort. You guys rock!”
Here’s one more thing I’ve noticed: After they’ve read the book, there’s never any trust-related questions! This is awesome!”
I think it’s for 2 reasons: First, they know we’re Straight-Up by showing them all the “Dirty Little Tricks” that other contractors do, and second – they come into the relationship with a high level of trust.
So the book accomplishes 3 important factors:
First, it closes more prospects.
Second, it also creates a much higher level of trust combined with number 3 – a lower tendency to negotiate – a TRIPLE WIN!
Your book is BRILLIANT!!”
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